I’m Not Who You Think I Am
By Lisa Parker Any guesses on my education background? By degree I am a Medical Technologist. That is a 4 year degree with a heavy emphasis on physics, chemistry, biology and math. Medical...
View ArticleBe Faster Than Ketchup!
By Lisa Parker If I had a magic wand one thing I would do is cast a spell on job seekers that helps them get to the point faster. I know my wordy self has a lot of nerve saying that, but stick with me...
View ArticleHigh Scoring First Half
By Lisa Parker Many football teams agree the best way to ensure a victory is to put as many points on the board as possible in the first half. A strong start is always the ideal. Few want to rely on...
View ArticleHaving Fun
By Lisa Parker Folks, you’ve got to have fun with your job search. As with anything, the more fun you are having the more creative and attractive you tend to be. When I say attractive, I don’t mean in...
View ArticleWhat If Current/Past Supervisors Wrote Your Resume?
By Lisa Parker Wouldn’t it be interesting if resumes were prepared by current and former supervisors instead of by the job seeker? What would they say about you? How different would the content be?...
View ArticleWhat Are You Trying To Prove?
By Lisa Parker What are you trying to prove? Seriously, think about it. Are you trying to prove you’re smart? Experienced? Flexible? Well connected? Ethical? Motivated? Many times when job seekers...
View ArticleEmployees Are Rentals
By Lisa Parker The downside of buying something is that it immediately starts losing value. The moment you drive that new car off the lot it has lost some of its worth. Of course, the car and the...
View ArticleWaiting for Perfect
By Lisa Parker Job seekers, don’t get caught up in waiting for perfect. Postponing reaching out to key contacts because you want the stars and planets to align themselves in a certain way before taking...
View ArticleIt’s Like Asking for Directions
By Lisa Parker Pretend you are in a city you’ve never been to before and you are hungry. You need to find a way to eat that isn’t too expensive. You’ve got $20 in your pocket to work with. On top of...
View ArticleCan the Can’ts
By Lisa Parker It’s wise for job seekers to take the word can’t and toss it in the trash. No worries, this isn’t a post about all things being possible. I’m a realist who fully appreciates limitations....
View ArticleContradictions
By Lisa Parker I’ve talked before about candidates contradicting their abilities. Mostly I’ve talked about how applicants’ actions fail to live up to their words. Atention to detail Exceptional...
View ArticleMirror Mirror
By Lisa Parker Many people are influenced by the attitudes and communication styles of others. I’m not immune. During a conversation I find myself emulating the other person. Within minutes I’m talking...
View ArticleAiming Low
By Lisa Parker I know I’ve blogged about this before, but it’s worth another go. A week rarely passes without me hearing a job seeker lament about being over qualified. Employers aren’t giving them a...
View ArticleThe Twitter Job Search
By Dave Isbell As with all social media resources, (as well as “in-real-life-networking” experiences), Twitter is just a tool to use to meet people, engage in conversation, and to share ideas. It’s ok...
View ArticleOlder Job Seekers: Be Like Mike!
By Lisa Parker Remember the old Gatorade commercial featuring Michael Jordan? It was essentially a music video set to the song, “I Can Be Like Mike.” Michael Jordan is, without question, the most...
View ArticleMeaningful Resume Reviews
When you ask someone to review your resume, make sure you are on the same page in terms of what is to be evaluated. Too often the primary focus ends up being typos and word choices. Yes, we want those...
View ArticleDouble Dipping
For those who have been at a job search for an extended period of time, you’ve likely seen positions pop up with organizations you’ve submitted applications to months or years before. Trust me when I...
View ArticlePhone A Friend
A good friend called me today. Moments earlier a recruiter had informed her she wouldn’t be advancing in the process for a job she thought she had a good shot of landing. She’d interviewed well in the...
View ArticleName That Staffing Agency
You know that company you really want to work for, but it doesn’t have any current openings or isn’t sold on your background being a fit for its needs? A simple question may help you gain entry when...
View ArticleThe Kindness in Terminations, Criticism and Rejection
I have a twin sister. As far as twins go, we don’t have many similarities. My sister’s curly jet black hair, green eyes, artistic ability and tendency to say things like fiddlesticks when mad are the...
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